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About Us |
The following faculty members have research programs that focus on composites, bonding, life management of materials, and other advanced materials and processes.
Name | Univ/Dept | Expertise | |
Raj Bordia, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering | Processing and mechanical properties of ceramics, ceramic films and coatings, polymers and composites | bordia@u.washington.edu |
K. Bhagwan Das, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering | Rapid solidification rate alloys, metal matrix composites, hydrogen embrittlement, stress-corrosion cracking | kbdas@u.washington.edu |
Ashley Emery, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Architectural heat transfer, finite element methods, numerical analysis, and thermal stresses | emery@u.washington.edu |
Brian Fabien, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Dynamic response and optimal design of composite structures | fabien@u.washington.edu |
Paolo Feraboli, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Aircraft safety and certification, composite damage resistance and tolerance, test methods development, lightweight structure design | feraboli@aa.washington.edu |
Brian Flinn, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering | Processing-structure-property relationships of advanced structural materials | bflinn@u.washington.edu |
Bradley Holt, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Chemical Engineering | Process design and control | holt@cheme.washington.edu |
Kuen Lin, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Composite materials, finite element methods, fracture mechanics, solid mechanics, structural analysis | lin@aa.washington.edu |
Eli Livne, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Aeroelasticity, aeroservoelasticity, multidisciplinary optimization, airplane design optimization, controls synthesis | eli@aa.washington.edu |
Fumio Ohuchi, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering | Nucleation and growth of thin films, surface and interface of electronic materials, physics and chemistry of layered materials, nanostructures | ohuchi@u.washington.edu |
M. Ramulu, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics, fatigue, and advanced manufacturing processes | ramulu@me.washington.edu |
Minoru Taya, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Electronic packaging and composites, and smart materials | tayam@u.washington.edu |
Mark Tuttle, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Applied solid mechanics, viscoelasticity, composite materials, and adhesion mechanics | tuttle@u.washington.edu |
Lloyd Smith, Ph.D. | WSU School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering | Damage, durability and characterization of composite materials; processing science of laminated, textile and randomly oriented polymeric composites | smith@mme.wsu.edu |
Timothy Kennedy, Ph.D. | OSU Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Fracture mechanics, composite materials, finite element modeling, and applications of generalized continuum theories | kennedy@engr.orst.edu |
John Parmigiani, Ph.D. | OSU Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Fracture mechanics, composite materials, finite element modeling, and applications of generalized continuum theories | parmigjo@engr.orst.edu |
Charles Seaton | EdCC Materials & Process Development Center | Management and technology of manufacturing with composite materials | charles.seaton@edcc.edu |
Richard Burton, M.S.M.E. | FIU Applied Research Center | Aging aircraft maintenance, binary-material processing, systems engineering | Richard.Burton@arc.fiu.edu |
Dwayne McDaniel, Ph.D. | FIU Applied Research Center | Structural mechanics, structural analysis and composites | Dwayne.McDaniel@arc.fiu.edu |
Rajiv Srivastava, Ph.D. | FIU Applied Research Center | Characterization, composites aging and degradation, degassing health effects and toxicity | Rajiv.Srivastava@arc.fiu.edu |
Weihua Zhang, Ph.D | FIU Applied Research Center | Analytical & bioanalytical method development, contaminant characterization, analysis and fate, and phytoremediation | Weihua.Zhang@arc.fiu.edu |
Xiangyang Zhou, Ph.D. | University of Miami | Material degradation, corrosion, fracture, and electrochemical sensors | xzhou@miami.edu |
Dan Adams, Ph.D. | Utah Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanics of composite materials, damage mechanics, micromechanics | adams@mech.utah.edu |
Jinkyu Yang, Ph.D. | UW Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Mechanics and dynamics of structures, Design of engineered material systems (e.g., composites, metamaterials, and phononic crystals), Nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring | jkyang@aa.washington.edu |
Marco Salviato, Ph.D | UW Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Composite Aerospace Structures, Nano composites | salviato@aa.washington.edu |
UW = University of Washington
WSU = Washington State University
OSU = Oregon State University
EdCC = Edmonds Community College
FIU = Florida International University
Utah = University of Utah