News from AMTAS
June 11, 2007
The third AMTAS Institute on Advanced Aircraft Composites is being offered September 17-21, 2007 at the University of Washington. This intermediate level course provides an in-depth introduction to the use of advanced composite materials for aircraft from an engineering and manufacturing point of view. Specifically, the course is designed to address critical areas of composite technologies, control, testing, analysis, design, inspection, repair, and product lifecycle management. The course does not contain any proprietary or export-controlled information and will be taught by leading experts from academia, industry and government.
For more information, go to
The FAA Joint Advanced Materials and Structures (JAMS) Technical Meeting is being held July 10-12, 2007 at the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center in Atlantic City, NJ. There is no registration fee for the meeting. If you are interested in attending, register at
To make your hotel reservations, please visit Or call 1-800-205-6518. Reference the JAMS TECHICAL CONFERENCE when making reservations by phone. For information on Atlantic City, including driving directions and maps, please visit
The autumn AMTAS meeting will be held on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at the University of Washington. This meeting will feature presentations from AMTAS PIs on their current research. More details to come in August.
The 22nd American Society for Composites (ASC) Technical Conference will take place September 17-20, 2007 in Seattle at the University of Washington. Dr. Patrick Stickler of The Boeing Co. and UW Prof. Paolo Feraboli, both active AMTAS members, are the conference chairs. For more information, visit the website at MEETINGS
- Our spring 2007 semiannual AMTAS meeting was held on April 12, 2007 at the University of Washington. The agenda featured: a summary of AMTAS' educational offerings; in-depth discussions on current AMTAS research areas; presentations devoted to Failure of Notched Laminates under Out-of-Plane Bending, Composites Crashworthiness and Energy Absorption, Multifunctional Ferroelectric Nanostructures, and Analysis of Composite Failures; and breakout sessions focused on identifying potential future research areas. For a summary, go to
- We have instituted a new service we hope you will find valuable. The AMTAS web site now has a "Job Opportunities" section that offers AMTAS industry partners the opportunity to post engineering/composites-related job openings of interest to the AMTAS community. Go to
- A new section, "Seminars," was recently added and will feature presentations made by visiting faculty or others that may also be of interest to the AMTAS community. Go to
- Mark Tuttle and other AMTAS/UW faculty have been working on collaboration opportunities with a newly-formed University of Washington center called the Institute of Advanced Materials & Technology (i-AMT). The Center will leverage federally funded research by forming collaborations with academic, business, industry and government partners in areas of national interest and global challenges such as advanced materials, information technology, biotechnology, new energy sources, and nanotechnology.